Calcium Alginate With Silver: How Often Should You Change It?

Calcium Alginate with Silver 4x5 (10 ct.) BODYARMOR MEDICAL SUPPLIES


If you have a wound that needs dressing, you may have heard of calcium alginate with silver. This type of dressing is known for its antimicrobial properties that can help prevent infection and promote healing. However, it’s important to know how often you should change it to ensure that it’s doing its job effectively.

What is Calcium Alginate with Silver?

Calcium alginate with silver is a type of wound dressing that is made from seaweed-derived fibers. It’s biodegradable and can be used on a variety of wounds, including burns, surgical wounds, and chronic wounds. The silver component is added for its antimicrobial properties, which can help prevent infection.

Why is it Important to Change Calcium Alginate with Silver?

While calcium alginate with silver is designed to be effective for several days, it’s important to change it regularly to ensure that it’s still doing its job. As a wound heals, the amount of exudate (fluid) it produces can change. If the dressing becomes saturated with exudate, it can no longer effectively absorb it, which can lead to infection and delayed healing.

How Often Should You Change Calcium Alginate with Silver?

The frequency with which you should change calcium alginate with silver depends on the amount of exudate your wound produces. As a general rule, the dressing should be changed every two to three days for wounds with moderate to heavy exudate. For wounds with lighter exudate, the dressing can be changed every three to five days.

How to Change Calcium Alginate with Silver

Before changing the dressing, it’s important to clean the wound with saline solution or another appropriate cleanser. Gently remove the old dressing and dispose of it properly. Clean the wound again if necessary, then apply a new dressing. Be sure to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for how to apply the dressing.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you notice any signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, warmth, or drainage, contact your healthcare provider immediately. They may need to change your dressing more frequently or prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection.


Calcium alginate with silver is a useful wound dressing that can help prevent infection and promote healing. However, it’s important to change it regularly to ensure that it’s still effective. By following your healthcare provider’s instructions and monitoring your wound for signs of infection, you can help ensure that your wound heals properly.