20 Meq Of Potassium Is Equal To How Many Mg?

How to Convert Meq to Mg for Potassium MarckruwOconnor

The Importance of Potassium in Our Body

Potassium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining the normal function of our body. It is responsible for regulating our heartbeat, maintaining fluid balance, and controlling the electrical activity of our muscles and nerves. Most importantly, it helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.

Understanding Milliequivalents (MEQ)

Milliequivalents (MEQ) is a unit of measurement used to express the number of ions in a substance. It is commonly used in medicine to measure the concentration of electrolytes in our body, such as potassium, sodium, and chloride. One MEQ is equal to the number of ions that can combine with or replace one hydrogen ion.

How Many Milligrams (MG) are in 20 MEQ of Potassium?

The conversion of MEQ to MG depends on the molecular weight of the substance. In the case of potassium, its atomic weight is 39.10 grams per mole. Therefore, one MEQ of potassium is equal to 780 milligrams (MG). So, 20 MEQ of potassium is equivalent to 15,600 milligrams or 15.6 grams.

Why is Knowing the Conversion of MEQ to MG Important?

Knowing the conversion of MEQ to MG is important, especially for medical professionals who prescribe potassium supplements to patients with potassium deficiency or those who are at risk of developing heart disease. It helps them determine the appropriate dosage of potassium supplements that their patients need to take based on their condition and the severity of their potassium deficiency.

The Risks of Potassium Overdose

While potassium is essential for our body, taking too much of it can be harmful. Overdose of potassium supplements can lead to hyperkalemia, a condition that can cause muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and even cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is essential to take potassium supplements only as prescribed by a medical professional.

Food Sources of Potassium

Aside from supplements, potassium can also be obtained from various food sources, such as bananas, oranges, avocados, spinach, sweet potatoes, and beans. Incorporating these foods into our diet can help us meet our daily recommended intake of potassium and keep our body healthy.


Knowing the conversion of MEQ to MG is essential, especially for medical professionals who prescribe potassium supplements to patients. It helps them determine the appropriate dosage of potassium supplements that their patients need to take based on their condition and the severity of their potassium deficiency. Aside from supplements, potassium can also be obtained from various food sources, which can help us meet our daily recommended intake of potassium and keep our body healthy.


  • https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/what-does-potassium-do
  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK526083/
  • https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-benefits-of-potassium-2507085