Where Does Ear Wax Drain To: A Comprehensive Guide

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Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance secreted by the ear canal to protect the ear from dust, dirt, and other harmful particles. While ear wax is essential for maintaining ear hygiene, excessive build-up can cause discomfort and even hearing loss. In this article, we will explore where ear wax drains to and how to prevent build-up.

What is Ear Wax?

Ear wax is a yellowish, waxy substance that is secreted by the glands in the ear canal. It is made up of a combination of dead skin cells, hair, and secretions from the ear canal. While ear wax is essential for maintaining ear hygiene, excessive build-up can cause discomfort and even hearing loss.

Where Does Ear Wax Drain To?

Many people believe that ear wax drains out of the ear naturally, but this is not entirely true. In fact, ear wax is designed to move out of the ear canal naturally, but it does not drain out of the ear. Instead, it is pushed out of the ear canal by the movement of the jaw when we talk, eat, or chew.

The Eustachian Tube

The Eustachian tube is a narrow tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. This tube is responsible for regulating pressure in the ear and allowing excess ear wax to drain out of the ear. When we swallow, the Eustachian tube opens, allowing air to flow into the middle ear and pushing ear wax out of the ear canal.

Impacted Ear Wax

Sometimes, ear wax can become impacted, which means that it accumulates in the ear canal and blocks the ear. This can cause discomfort, dizziness, and even hearing loss. If you suspect that you have impacted ear wax, it is important to see a doctor or audiologist for professional removal.

Preventing Ear Wax Build-Up

While ear wax is essential for maintaining ear hygiene, excessive build-up can cause discomfort and even hearing loss. There are several ways to prevent ear wax build-up, including:

Regular Ear Cleaning

Regular ear cleaning is essential for preventing ear wax build-up. However, it is important to avoid using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ear canal, as this can push ear wax deeper into the ear and cause damage to the ear canal.

Ear Drops

Ear drops are a safe and effective way to soften and remove ear wax. They work by breaking down the wax and allowing it to drain out of the ear naturally. However, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and consult a doctor or audiologist before using ear drops.

Professional Ear Cleaning

If you have excessive ear wax build-up or impacted ear wax, it is important to see a doctor or audiologist for professional ear cleaning. They will use special tools and techniques to remove the ear wax safely and effectively.


Ear wax is a natural substance that is essential for maintaining ear hygiene. While it does not drain out of the ear naturally, it is pushed out of the ear canal by the movement of the jaw. Excessive ear wax build-up can cause discomfort and even hearing loss, but there are several ways to prevent and treat it. Regular ear cleaning, ear drops, and professional ear cleaning are all effective ways to maintain ear hygiene and prevent ear wax build-up.