Does Sheep Cheese Contain Casein?

10 Most Popular Italian Sheep's Milk Cheeses TasteAtlas


Sheep cheese is a popular dairy product that is made from the milk of sheep. It is known for its distinct flavor and texture and is a favorite of many cheese lovers. However, there has been some confusion about whether sheep cheese contains casein, a protein that is commonly found in dairy products. In this article, we will explore this question in detail and provide you with all the information you need to know.

What is Casein?

Casein is a protein that is found in milk and other dairy products. It is a complete protein, which means it contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs. Casein is often used in the food industry as a binding agent and is commonly found in processed foods such as cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.

Does Sheep Cheese Contain Casein?

Yes, sheep cheese does contain casein. However, the amount of casein in sheep cheese is lower than in cow’s milk cheese. Sheep cheese contains approximately 80-90% casein, while cow’s milk cheese contains around 96% casein. This makes sheep cheese a better option for those who are sensitive to casein or have a dairy intolerance.

Benefits of Sheep Cheese

Sheep cheese is a great alternative to cow’s milk cheese for several reasons. Firstly, it is easier to digest and can be a better option for those with lactose intolerance. Secondly, sheep cheese is higher in protein, calcium, and other nutrients than cow’s milk cheese. Lastly, sheep cheese has a unique flavor that is loved by many cheese enthusiasts.

How to Choose Sheep Cheese

When choosing sheep cheese, it is important to look for high-quality, organic options. This ensures that the cheese is free from harmful additives and preservatives. Additionally, it is important to choose sheep cheese that is made from grass-fed sheep, as this provides a higher quality milk and cheese.

How to Use Sheep Cheese

Sheep cheese can be used in a variety of ways, such as in salads, sandwiches, and pasta dishes. It can also be enjoyed on its own as a snack or appetizer. Sheep cheese pairs well with fruits, nuts, and honey, making it a great addition to any cheese board.


In conclusion, sheep cheese does contain casein, but in smaller amounts than cow’s milk cheese. Sheep cheese is a great alternative for those with dairy intolerance or sensitivity to casein. It is also higher in protein and nutrients than cow’s milk cheese and has a unique flavor that is loved by many. When choosing sheep cheese, look for high-quality, organic options made from grass-fed sheep.


