Bleaching Hair Before Holiday: Tips And Tricks

Bleached hair how to care and treatment after hair discoloration by

Why Bleach Your Hair?

Bleaching your hair can give you a new look and make you feel confident. It is a great way to change things up and keep things interesting. Bleaching your hair can also make it easier to dye your hair. The lighter your hair, the more options you have when it comes to hair dye.

When Should You Bleach Your Hair?

If you are planning on going on holiday and want to bleach your hair, it is important to do it a few weeks before you go. This will give your hair time to recover and adjust to the new color. Bleaching your hair can damage it, so it is important to give your hair time to heal before exposing it to the sun, saltwater, and chlorine.

How to Bleach Your Hair?

Bleaching your hair is not an easy process and should be done by a professional. If you are planning on bleaching your hair, it is important to do your research and find a reputable hairdresser who has experience with bleaching.

Step 1: Preparation

Before you bleach your hair, it is important to prepare your hair. This means washing your hair with a clarifying shampoo to remove any product buildup. You should also avoid washing your hair for a few days before you bleach it, as this will help to protect your scalp.

Step 2: Bleaching

The bleaching process involves applying bleach to your hair using a brush. The bleach will need to be left on your hair for a certain amount of time, depending on the desired shade. During this time, your hair will be wrapped in foil to help the bleach develop.

Step 3: Aftercare

After the bleach has been removed, it is important to take care of your hair. This means using a deep conditioning treatment to help repair any damage caused by the bleach. It is also important to avoid using any harsh chemicals or heat styling tools on your hair for a few days.

How to Care for Bleached Hair?

Bleached hair requires special care to keep it healthy and looking its best. Here are some tips for caring for bleached hair:

1. Use a sulfate-free shampoo

Sulfate-free shampoos are gentle on bleached hair and won’t strip away the color or natural oils from your hair.

2. Use a deep conditioning treatment

Deep conditioning treatments can help to repair any damage caused by the bleach and keep your hair looking healthy.

3. Avoid heat styling tools

Heat styling tools can cause further damage to bleached hair. If you must use heat styling tools, use a heat protectant spray to protect your hair.

4. Protect your hair from the sun

The sun can cause further damage to bleached hair, so it is important to protect your hair with a hat or scarf when you are outside.


Bleaching your hair before your holiday can be a great way to change up your look and feel confident. However, it is important to do your research and find a reputable hairdresser to do the job. Taking care of your bleached hair is also essential to keep it healthy and looking its best. With these tips, you can enjoy your holiday with beautiful, bleached hair.