Polymer Data Handbook 1999: A Comprehensive Guide To Polymer Science

Handbook of Polymer Processing, Performance and

The Importance of Polymer Science

Polymer science is a crucial field in today’s world, as polymers are used in everything from plastics and packaging to medical devices and construction materials. Understanding the properties and behavior of polymers is essential for developing new materials and improving existing ones. The Polymer Data Handbook 1999 is an invaluable resource for anyone working in this field.

What is the Polymer Data Handbook 1999?

The Polymer Data Handbook 1999 is a comprehensive reference book that contains data and information on the physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of polymers. It was first published in 1999 and has since become a standard reference for polymer scientists and engineers.

What Information Does it Contain?

The Polymer Data Handbook 1999 contains information on over 300 polymers, including their molecular structures, physical and mechanical properties, and thermal behavior. It also includes information on polymer processing, testing, and characterization methods. The book is organized by polymer type, making it easy to find the information you need.

Why is it Still Relevant Today?

Despite being over 20 years old, the Polymer Data Handbook 1999 is still relevant today. While new polymers have been developed since it was published, the information it contains on the properties and behavior of existing polymers is still accurate. It also provides a valuable historical perspective on the development of polymer science.

How Can it be Used?

The Polymer Data Handbook 1999 can be used in a variety of ways. Polymer scientists and engineers can use it as a reference when developing new materials or improving existing ones. It can also be used by students and researchers as a learning tool to understand the behavior of different polymers.

Limitations of the Handbook

While the Polymer Data Handbook 1999 is a valuable resource, it does have some limitations. It only covers polymers that were available at the time of publication, so it does not include information on newer polymers. Additionally, the data provided is general and may not be applicable to specific applications or environments.


Overall, the Polymer Data Handbook 1999 is an essential resource for anyone working in polymer science. Its comprehensive data and information on the properties and behavior of polymers make it a valuable reference for researchers, students, and engineers alike. While it may have some limitations, its relevance and usefulness make it a must-have for anyone in the field.