Chemical Formula Iron Iii Hydroxide: Everything You Need To Know

Iron III hydroxide polymaltose complex CAS 17099819Molecular


Iron III Hydroxide is a chemical compound that is composed of iron, oxygen, and hydrogen. It is commonly referred to as rust and is mostly found in metallic objects that have been exposed to moisture and air. In this article, we will discuss the chemical formula for Iron III Hydroxide and its properties.

What is the Chemical Formula for Iron III Hydroxide?

The chemical formula for Iron III Hydroxide is Fe(OH)3. It is an inorganic compound and is formed when iron reacts with water and oxygen. The compound has a molecular weight of 106.867 g/mol and a density of 3.40 g/cm³.

Properties of Iron III Hydroxide

Iron III Hydroxide is a reddish-brown solid that is insoluble in water. It has a pH of 7, which makes it neutral. The compound is not flammable or explosive and is not reactive with most acids and bases. However, it can react with strong acids to form salts.

Uses of Iron III Hydroxide

Iron III Hydroxide is commonly used in the production of pigments and as a water purification agent. It is also used as a coagulant in wastewater treatment and in the manufacturing of magnetic tapes.

Health Hazards of Iron III Hydroxide

Iron III Hydroxide is not toxic, but it can cause skin irritation and eye irritation. It is important to wear protective clothing and gloves when handling the compound.

How to Synthesize Iron III Hydroxide

Iron III Hydroxide can be synthesized by reacting iron with water and oxygen. The reaction can be written as follows: 2Fe + 3H2O + 3O2 → 2Fe(OH)3 The reaction is exothermic, which means that it releases heat. The product can be filtered and dried to obtain Iron III Hydroxide.


In conclusion, Iron III Hydroxide is a chemical compound that is commonly found in rusted metallic objects. Its chemical formula is Fe(OH)3, and it is used in various industries such as water purification and pigmentation. It is important to handle the compound with care due to its potential skin and eye irritation.