Does Epsom Salt Help Ingrown Toenail?

Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenails Top 10 Home Remedies

What is an Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail occurs when the edge of the toenail grows into the skin, causing pain, redness, and inflammation. It is a common condition that can occur due to improper nail trimming, tight shoes, or injury to the toe.

How Does Epsom Salt Work?

Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, is a natural mineral compound that has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation associated with an ingrown toenail. Epsom salt also helps soften the skin, making it easier to push back the nail edge.

How to Use Epsom Salt for Ingrown Toenail?

To use Epsom salt for an ingrown toenail, follow these steps: 1. Fill a basin with warm water and add a tablespoon of Epsom salt. 2. Soak your affected foot in the solution for 15-20 minutes. 3. Gently massage the affected area to promote blood circulation and reduce inflammation. 4. Dry your foot with a clean towel and apply a bandage if needed.

Other Home Remedies for Ingrown Toenail

Apart from Epsom salt, there are other home remedies that can help relieve the symptoms of an ingrown toenail. These include: 1. Soaking the affected foot in warm water with a few drops of tea tree oil. 2. Applying a warm compress to the affected toe. 3. Using dental floss or a cotton ball to gently lift the nail edge. 4. Wearing comfortable shoes that provide enough space for the toes.

When to See a Doctor?

If your ingrown toenail is severe, infected, or causing persistent pain, it is recommended to see a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics, remove the nail edge, or suggest other treatments depending on the severity of your condition.


Epsom salt can be an effective home remedy for an ingrown toenail. It can help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation associated with the condition. However, if your symptoms persist or worsen, it is best to seek medical attention to avoid complications. Remember to practice proper nail care and wear comfortable shoes to prevent ingrown toenails in the future.