What Can You Use Potato Starch For?

Potato Starch Quick and Easy Way to Make Potato Starch at Home


Potato starch is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various ways, either in cooking or as a household item. It is a popular alternative to wheat flour, cornstarch, and other thickeners because of its neutral flavor and gluten-free properties. In this article, we will explore some of the practical uses of potato starch in everyday life.


Potato starch is commonly used as a thickener in soups, stews, and sauces. It can also be used as a binding agent in recipes that require a gluten-free option. Here are some examples:


Potato starch can be used in baking as a substitute for wheat flour. It is a great option for those who are gluten intolerant or want to reduce their gluten intake. It can be used to make gluten-free bread, cookies, and cakes.


Potato starch is an excellent alternative to wheat flour when it comes to frying foods. It can be used to coat meats, fish, and vegetables before frying, giving them a crispy texture.


Potato starch can be used to make desserts such as puddings and custards. It can also be used as a thickener in fruit pies and tarts.

Household Uses

Aside from cooking, potato starch can also be used as a household item. Here are some examples:

Carpet Cleaning

Potato starch can be used to clean carpets. It can absorb dirt, oil, and other stains. Simply sprinkle potato starch on the carpet, let it sit for a few minutes, and then vacuum it up.

Shoe Deodorizer

Potato starch can be used as a shoe deodorizer. It can absorb moisture and odors from shoes. Simply sprinkle some potato starch inside the shoes, let it sit overnight, and then shake it out the next day.

Body Powder

Potato starch can be used as a body powder. It can absorb moisture and keep you dry. Simply sprinkle some potato starch on your skin, and rub it in.


Potato starch is a versatile and practical ingredient that can be used in various ways. Whether you’re cooking or looking for a household item, potato starch is a great option. Try incorporating it into your daily routine and see how it can enhance your life.