Selenium Locators Cheat Sheet Pdf: Your Ultimate Guide In 2023

11+ Selenium Cheat Sheet FiletypePdf GrahamHarlan


If you’re into web development, you’ve probably heard of Selenium. It’s a powerful open-source tool that allows you to automate web browsers. One of the most important aspects of Selenium is its ability to locate elements on a web page. In this article, we’ll be discussing the Selenium locators cheat sheet PDF and how it can help you improve your web development skills.

What are Selenium Locators?

Selenium locators are a set of methods that allow you to identify elements on a web page. With locators, you can instruct Selenium to click a button, enter text into a field, or interact with any other element on a page. There are several types of locators in Selenium, including ID, Name, Class, Tag Name, Link Text, and Partial Link Text.

ID Locators

ID locators are the most common type of locator in Selenium. They allow you to identify elements by their unique IDs. To use an ID locator, you simply need to add the “#” symbol followed by the ID of the element you want to interact with.

Name Locators

Name locators allow you to identify elements by their name attribute. To use a name locator, you simply need to add the “name” attribute followed by the name of the element you want to interact with.

Class Locators

Class locators allow you to identify elements by their class attribute. To use a class locator, you simply need to add the “.” symbol followed by the class name of the element you want to interact with.

Tag Name Locators

Tag name locators allow you to identify elements by their HTML tag name. To use a tag name locator, you simply need to add the tag name of the element you want to interact with.

Link Text and Partial Link Text Locators

Link text and partial link text locators allow you to identify links on a page. The link text locator matches the full text of a link, while the partial link text locator matches a portion of the link text.

Why Use a Selenium Locators Cheat Sheet PDF?

As you can see, there are several types of locators in Selenium, and it can be overwhelming to remember all of them. That’s where the Selenium locators cheat sheet PDF comes in. It’s a handy reference guide that lists all of the locators and their syntax. With the cheat sheet, you can easily find the locator you need without having to look it up every time.

How to Use the Selenium Locators Cheat Sheet PDF

Using the Selenium locators cheat sheet PDF is easy. Simply download the PDF and keep it handy while you’re working on your web development projects. When you need to use a locator, refer to the cheat sheet to find the syntax. You can also print out the cheat sheet and pin it up on your wall for easy access.


In conclusion, the Selenium locators cheat sheet PDF is an essential tool for any web developer working with Selenium. It simplifies the process of locating elements on a web page and makes it easier to remember the syntax of each locator. With the cheat sheet, you can save time and improve your productivity. So download the cheat sheet today and start using it in your web development projects!