Albumin In Pregnancy Urine Test: What You Need To Know

What is 24 hours urine albumin test? Dr. Sunil Dargar


During pregnancy, your doctor will likely request several lab tests to monitor your health and the health of your growing baby. One of these tests is the urine albumin test, which measures the amount of a protein called albumin in your urine. In this article, we’ll discuss what this test is, why it’s important, and what the results could mean for you and your baby.

What is Albumin?

Albumin is a protein that is produced by the liver and is found in your blood. Its main function is to help transport hormones, enzymes, and other substances throughout your body. In healthy individuals, albumin is not normally found in urine because it is too large to pass through the kidneys’ filters. However, when the kidneys are damaged or not functioning properly, albumin can leak into the urine.

Why is the Albumin Urine Test Important?

The albumin urine test is important because it can detect early signs of kidney damage or disease. During pregnancy, your kidneys work harder to filter waste products from your body and your blood volume increases, which can put extra stress on your kidneys. If there is damage to your kidneys, it can increase your risk of developing preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and damage to other organs.

When is the Albumin Urine Test Done?

The albumin urine test is typically done during your first prenatal visit and then again at regular intervals throughout your pregnancy. Your doctor may also request the test if you have high blood pressure or if there is other evidence of kidney problems.

How is the Albumin Urine Test Done?

The albumin urine test is a simple, non-invasive test that involves collecting a small sample of your urine. You will be given a sterile cup to collect the sample, which you will then return to the lab for testing. You may be asked to provide a sample in the morning, as this is when albumin levels are typically highest.

What Do the Results Mean?

The results of the albumin urine test are reported as a ratio of albumin to creatinine, another waste product that is normally found in urine. A ratio of less than 30 mg/g is considered normal, while a ratio of 30-300 mg/g is considered mildly abnormal. A ratio of over 300 mg/g is considered severely abnormal and may indicate significant kidney damage.

What Happens if the Results are Abnormal?

If your albumin urine test results are abnormal, your doctor may order further tests to evaluate your kidney function. They may also recommend lifestyle changes, such as reducing your salt intake, staying hydrated, and getting regular exercise. In some cases, medication may be necessary to control high blood pressure or other symptoms of kidney disease.


The albumin urine test is an important tool for monitoring kidney function during pregnancy. By detecting early signs of kidney damage or disease, your doctor can take steps to prevent or manage complications that could affect your health and the health of your baby. If you have any concerns about your urine albumin levels or other aspects of your pregnancy, be sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider.