Amber Heard And Jason Momoa Lacked Natural Chemistry In Aquaman 2

Amber Heard's Agent Was Told 'Lack of Chemistry' with Jason Momoa


Aquaman 2 is one of the most anticipated movies of the year 2023. Fans are eager to see the chemistry between the lead actors, Amber Heard and Jason Momoa, on screen. However, after watching the movie, many fans were disappointed as they felt that the chemistry between the two actors was lacking.

The Controversy

The lack of chemistry between Amber Heard and Jason Momoa has been a topic of controversy ever since the release of the first Aquaman movie. Fans have been divided over whether or not the two actors have natural chemistry. Some fans have even gone as far as to say that the two actors do not look good together on screen.

The Reasons for Lack of Chemistry

There are several reasons why Amber Heard and Jason Momoa lacked natural chemistry in Aquaman 2. Firstly, the two actors have very different personalities. While Jason Momoa is known for his outgoing and energetic personality, Amber Heard is more reserved and introverted. This difference in personalities may have affected their on-screen chemistry. Secondly, the storyline of Aquaman 2 may have also contributed to the lack of chemistry between the two actors. In the movie, Amber Heard’s character, Mera, and Jason Momoa’s character, Aquaman, are not in a romantic relationship. Instead, they are portrayed as friends and allies. This may have made it difficult for the two actors to create a romantic spark on screen.

The Impact on the Movie

The lack of chemistry between Amber Heard and Jason Momoa has had a significant impact on the movie. Many fans have criticized the movie for the lack of chemistry between the two actors. Some fans have even gone as far as to say that the lack of chemistry ruined the movie for them. However, it is important to note that the lack of chemistry between the two actors does not necessarily mean that the movie is bad. Aquaman 2 has received positive reviews for its storyline, visual effects, and action sequences.

The Future of the Franchise

The lack of chemistry between Amber Heard and Jason Momoa may have a significant impact on the future of the Aquaman franchise. Fans have been vocal about their disappointment in the chemistry between the two actors, and this may affect the box office success of future Aquaman movies. However, it is important to note that the Aquaman franchise is more than just the chemistry between the two lead actors. The franchise has a rich history and a loyal fan base, and future movies may still be successful despite the lack of chemistry between Amber Heard and Jason Momoa.


In conclusion, the lack of chemistry between Amber Heard and Jason Momoa in Aquaman 2 has been a topic of controversy among fans. While the lack of chemistry may have affected the movie, it is important to note that the Aquaman franchise is more than just the chemistry between the two lead actors. Fans can still enjoy the movie for its storyline, visual effects, and action sequences.