Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation

Solved Balance the following equation for the combustion of


Benzene is a common organic compound that is used in the production of various chemicals. It is also found in gasoline and other fuels. Benzene is a highly toxic substance that can cause serious health problems if inhaled or ingested. One of the important reactions of benzene is its combustion with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water.

What is Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation?

Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation is a chemical equation that represents the combustion of benzene with oxygen. The balanced equation shows the reactants and products of the reaction, as well as the stoichiometric coefficients of each compound.

The Balanced Equation

The balanced equation for the combustion of benzene with oxygen is: C6H6 + 15O2 → 6CO2 + 3H2O This equation shows that one molecule of benzene reacts with fifteen molecules of oxygen to produce six molecules of carbon dioxide and three molecules of water.


Benzene contains six carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms, while oxygen is a diatomic molecule consisting of two oxygen atoms. During the combustion of benzene, the carbon atoms combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, while the hydrogen atoms combine with oxygen to form water.

Importance of Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation

The Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation is important because it shows the stoichiometry of the reaction. This means that it shows the exact number of molecules of reactants and products that are involved in the reaction. The balanced equation also helps in calculating the amount of reactants and products needed for the reaction.


The combustion of benzene with oxygen has several applications. It is used in the production of various chemicals, including phenol, aniline, and styrene. It is also used in the production of plastics, synthetic fibers, and rubber.

Safety Concerns

Benzene is a highly toxic substance that can cause serious health problems if inhaled or ingested. It can cause cancer, leukemia, and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to handle benzene with care and take appropriate safety measures while working with it.


The Benzene Oxygen Balanced Equation is an important chemical equation that represents the combustion of benzene with oxygen. It shows the stoichiometry of the reaction and helps in calculating the amount of reactants and products needed for the reaction. The combustion of benzene with oxygen has several applications in the production of various chemicals. However, benzene is a highly toxic substance that requires proper safety measures while handling it.