Brown Wax Inside Clementine: What Does It Mean?

There was a tiny clementine inside my regular sized clementine


Clementines are a popular fruit, loved for their sweet and juicy flavor. However, if you’ve ever peeled a clementine and noticed a brown, waxy substance inside, you may be wondering what it is and whether it’s safe to eat. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of brown wax inside clementines and whether or not it’s something to be concerned about.

What Is Brown Wax Inside Clementine?

The brown wax inside clementines is actually a natural substance called limonene. Limonene is found in the essential oils of many citrus fruits, including clementines. When clementines are exposed to cold temperatures, the limonene can solidify and form a waxy substance. This is what causes the brown wax inside clementines.

Is Brown Wax Inside Clementine Safe to Eat?

Yes, brown wax inside clementines is safe to eat. It’s a natural substance that poses no harm to human health. In fact, some people even consider it to be a sign of a high-quality clementine, as it indicates that the fruit has been properly stored and handled.

How to Store Clementines to Avoid Brown Wax

If you want to avoid brown wax inside clementines, it’s important to store them properly. Clementines should be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator, but never in the freezer. If you store clementines in the refrigerator, make sure they are kept in a perforated plastic bag to prevent them from becoming too moist.

How to Peel Clementines with Brown Wax

If you do encounter brown wax inside a clementine, don’t worry. It’s still perfectly safe to eat. To peel a clementine with brown wax, simply cut off the top and bottom of the fruit and make a shallow incision along one side. Then, use your fingers to gently peel away the skin, taking care not to remove too much of the fruit along with it.

How to Choose High-Quality Clementines

If you want to ensure that your clementines are of the highest quality, there are a few things to look for. First, choose clementines that are firm and heavy for their size. They should also have a bright, glossy skin and a sweet, fragrant aroma. Avoid clementines that are soft, wrinkled, or have any signs of mold or damage.


In conclusion, brown wax inside clementines is a natural and harmless substance that poses no risk to human health. It’s simply a sign that the clementine has been properly stored and handled. By following proper storage techniques and choosing high-quality clementines, you can enjoy this delicious fruit without any worries about brown wax.