Camphor Oil Injection Torture: A Disturbing Trend In Indonesia

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Indonesia is known for its rich culture and traditions, but unfortunately, some of these traditions are not only outdated but also barbaric. One such tradition gaining popularity in recent years is the use of camphor oil injection as a form of torture. This practice involves injecting camphor oil into the body of the victim, causing excruciating pain and often leading to long-term health problems.

What is Camphor Oil Injection Torture?

Camphor oil injection torture, also known as “oli suntik kapur barus” in Indonesian, involves injecting camphor oil into the skin or muscles of the victim. Camphor oil is a highly concentrated oil extracted from the camphor tree, and it is known for its cooling and pain-relieving properties when applied topically. However, when injected into the body, it can cause severe pain, inflammation, and even organ damage.

Why is it used?

Camphor oil injection torture is often used as a form of punishment or intimidation. In some cases, it is used as a way to extract information from the victim. The practice is believed to have originated in rural areas of Indonesia, where traditional healers used camphor oil for its medicinal properties. However, it has now become a tool for torture and abuse.

Who are the victims?

Victims of camphor oil injection torture are often people who are accused of crimes or those who are seen as a threat to those in power. This includes political activists, journalists, and human rights defenders. The victims are often detained without trial and subjected to this form of torture as a way to extract information or force a confession.

What are the health risks?

The use of camphor oil injection as a form of torture can have serious health consequences. The injection can cause severe pain, inflammation, and tissue damage. In some cases, it can lead to organ damage or even death. Victims may also experience long-term health problems, including chronic pain, nerve damage, and paralysis.

What is being done to stop it?

Human rights organizations and activists have been working to raise awareness about the use of camphor oil injection torture in Indonesia. They have been calling on the government to take action to stop this practice and hold those responsible accountable. However, progress has been slow, and the use of this form of torture continues to be a serious concern.


The use of camphor oil injection as a form of torture is a disturbing trend in Indonesia. It is a cruel and inhumane practice that causes immense pain and suffering to its victims. It is time for the government to take action to stop this practice and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. We must all work together to put an end to this form of torture and protect the human rights of all people.