Chemical Engineering Jobs In Tulsa, Ok: Opportunities And Prospects

Professional Experience Chemical Engineering Ryerson University


As a chemical engineer, finding the right job can be a daunting task, especially if you are looking to work in a specific location. Tulsa, OK, is one of the cities in the United States that has a thriving chemical engineering industry. In this article, we will discuss the opportunities and prospects of chemical engineering jobs in Tulsa, OK.

The Chemical Engineering Industry in Tulsa, OK

Tulsa, OK, is home to several chemical engineering companies, including the world-renowned Phillips 66. The company has a refinery in the city, which employs thousands of chemical engineers. Other chemical engineering companies in Tulsa include the Williams Companies, HollyFrontier, and Valero Energy.

The Prospects of Chemical Engineering Jobs in Tulsa, OK

The chemical engineering industry in Tulsa is expected to grow in the coming years, with the increasing demand for petroleum products and chemicals. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of chemical engineers in the United States is projected to grow by 4% from 2019 to 2029. This growth rate is on par with the average for all occupations.

The Types of Chemical Engineering Jobs Available in Tulsa, OK

There are several types of chemical engineering jobs available in Tulsa, OK. Some of the most common jobs include process engineer, project engineer, research and development engineer, and manufacturing engineer. Each of these jobs requires a different set of skills and qualifications.

Skills and Qualifications Required for Chemical Engineering Jobs in Tulsa, OK

To work as a chemical engineer in Tulsa, OK, you need to have a degree in chemical engineering or a related field. Additionally, you need to have excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as strong communication skills. You should also be familiar with chemical engineering software and tools.

The Salary Range for Chemical Engineering Jobs in Tulsa, OK

The salary range for chemical engineering jobs in Tulsa, OK, varies depending on the position and level of experience. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a chemical engineer in Tulsa is around $90,000 per year.

The Benefits of Working in Tulsa, OK

Apart from the thriving chemical engineering industry, Tulsa, OK, has several benefits for professionals. The city has a low cost of living, relatively low crime rates, and a good quality of life. Additionally, the city has several recreational opportunities, including parks, museums, and art galleries.

The Challenges of Working in Tulsa, OK

One of the main challenges of working in Tulsa, OK, is the weather. The city experiences extreme temperatures, with hot summers and cold winters. Additionally, the city is prone to tornadoes and severe thunderstorms.

The Future of Chemical Engineering Jobs in Tulsa, OK

The future of chemical engineering jobs in Tulsa, OK, looks bright. The city is investing in infrastructure and technology, which will create more job opportunities in the future. Additionally, the increasing demand for petroleum products and chemicals is expected to drive the growth of the industry.


In conclusion, chemical engineering jobs in Tulsa, OK, offer excellent opportunities and prospects for professionals. The city has a thriving chemical engineering industry, a low cost of living, and a good quality of life. To succeed in this industry, you need to have the right skills and qualifications and be willing to face the challenges of working in Tulsa.