Chemistry Is The Study Of All Of The Following Except

5 reasons to study chemistry at Bath


Chemistry is a fascinating subject that deals with the properties and behavior of matter. It is the study of everything around us, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. However, there are some things that chemistry does not cover. In this article, we will explore what chemistry is not the study of.

What is Chemistry?

Before we dive into what chemistry is not the study of, let’s first define what chemistry is. Chemistry is the scientific study of matter and its properties, including its composition, structure, and behavior. It involves learning about the elements and compounds that make up everything in the universe, as well as the chemical reactions that occur between them.

What Chemistry is Not the Study of

1. Psychology

Chemistry does not study the human mind and behavior. That is the domain of psychology. While chemistry can help us understand the biological processes that occur in the brain, it does not delve into the complexities of human thought and emotion.

2. Economics

Chemistry also does not study the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. That is the realm of economics. While chemistry can help us understand the properties of materials that are used in manufacturing, it does not deal with the broader economic systems that govern our world.

3. Sociology

Chemistry does not study human societies and their behavior. That is the domain of sociology. While chemistry can help us understand the chemical makeup of things like food, clothing, and other products, it does not address the social and cultural contexts in which they are produced and consumed.

4. History

Chemistry does not study the past events, people, and societies. That is the realm of history. While chemistry can tell us about the chemical properties of artifacts and fossils, it does not deal with the broader historical context in which they were created and used.

5. Literature

Chemistry also does not study literary works and their analysis. That is the domain of literature. While chemistry can be used to analyze the chemical properties of materials used in literature, it does not deal with the broader themes and meanings of literary works.


While chemistry is a vast and fascinating field, it is not the study of everything. There are many other disciplines that deal with different aspects of the world around us. By understanding what chemistry is not the study of, we can appreciate the unique contributions of each field and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the world.