Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate: An Overview

Chromium Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate KCr(SO4)2.12H2O Manufacturer

What is Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate?

Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate is a chemical compound that is commonly used in the tanning industry. It is a crystalline solid that is soluble in water and has a bright red color. This compound is also known as chrome alum, potassium chrome alum, or chrome potassium sulfate.

How is Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate Used?

In the tanning industry, Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate is used as a mordant, which helps fix dyes to the leather. It is also used in the manufacturing of photographic film, as an ingredient in some types of cement, and as a mordant in textile dyeing.

The Benefits of Using Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate

One of the main benefits of using Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate in the tanning industry is that it produces a more durable and flexible leather. This compound also helps to produce a more uniform color in the leather, which is important for creating high-quality leather products.

The Risks of Using Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate

While Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate is generally considered safe when used in the tanning industry, it can be dangerous if ingested or inhaled. This compound can cause skin irritation, eye irritation, and respiratory problems if proper safety precautions are not taken.

How to Handle Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate Safely

If you work with Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate, it is important to wear protective gloves, goggles, and a mask to avoid skin and eye irritation, as well as respiratory problems. This compound should also be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and moisture.

Where to Buy Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate

Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate is available from a variety of chemical suppliers and tanning suppliers. It is important to purchase this compound from a reputable supplier and to follow all safety guidelines when handling it.


Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate is an important compound in the tanning industry, as well as in other industries such as photography and cement manufacturing. While it offers many benefits, it is important to handle this compound safely to avoid any potential risks. If you are interested in using Chromic Potassium Sulfate Dodecahydrate, be sure to do your research and purchase it from a reputable supplier.