Diy Gopher Carbon Monoxide Machine: A Life-Saving Investment

H&M PERC 412 Carbon monoxide Gopher machine NexTech Classifieds

The Importance of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odorless and colorless gas that can be deadly when inhaled. The gas is produced by combustion engines, gas stoves, and heating systems. It can easily fill up a room or a confined space, causing headaches, dizziness, and even death in some cases. Therefore, having a carbon monoxide detector at home is crucial to ensure your safety and that of your family.

The Cost of Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors are relatively cheap and widely available in the market. However, if you are on a tight budget, you can make your own DIY gopher carbon monoxide machine at home. The materials are easy to find and affordable, and the machine is just as effective as the commercial ones.

Materials Needed

To make a DIY gopher carbon monoxide machine, you will need the following materials: – A gopher trap – A carbon monoxide detector – A piece of wood – Screws – A drill

How to Make a DIY Gopher Carbon Monoxide Machine

Start by drilling a hole in the gopher trap, large enough to fit the carbon monoxide detector. Screw the detector onto the trap and place it in a strategic location in your home. The detector should be placed in a room where the risk of carbon monoxide is high, such as the kitchen or near the heating system. Next, drill a hole in the piece of wood and screw it onto the trap. The wood will act as a base for the trap and keep it stable.

The Benefits of a DIY Gopher Carbon Monoxide Machine

Making your own carbon monoxide detector is not only cost-effective but also gives you the assurance that you are taking the necessary steps to protect your family from harm. The DIY gopher carbon monoxide machine is easy to install and operates silently, ensuring that you are alerted to any danger without disturbing your peace.

Maintenance of the DIY Gopher Carbon Monoxide Machine

Like any other carbon monoxide detector, the DIY gopher carbon monoxide machine requires regular maintenance to ensure that it is functioning properly. You should test the detector at least once a month and replace the batteries twice a year. Additionally, you should clean the detector regularly to ensure that it is free of dust and other debris.


Investing in a carbon monoxide detector is a life-saving decision that should not be taken lightly. With the DIY gopher carbon monoxide machine, you can protect your family from the dangers of carbon monoxide without breaking the bank. Remember, prevention is better than cure, and installing a carbon monoxide detector is a crucial step in ensuring the safety of your home.