Food Handlers And Alcohol Certification In Indonesia: A Complete Guide

SERVSAFE Certificate


Indonesia is a country that is known for its delicious cuisine and its cultural diversity. However, with the rise of foodborne illnesses and alcohol-related incidents, it has become increasingly important for individuals in the food and beverage industry to obtain proper certification before serving food and alcohol to the public.

The Importance of Food Handlers Certification

Food handlers certification is a requirement for anyone who works in the food industry. This certification ensures that individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to handle food safely and prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses. In Indonesia, food handlers certification is mandatory and must be renewed every five years.

The Benefits of Alcohol Certification

Alcohol certification is also important for individuals who serve alcohol in the food and beverage industry. This certification ensures that individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to serve alcohol responsibly and prevent alcohol-related incidents. In Indonesia, alcohol certification is mandatory for anyone who serves alcohol to the public.

The Process of Obtaining Certification

Food Handlers Certification

To obtain food handlers certification in Indonesia, individuals must attend a training course and pass an exam. The training course covers topics such as food safety, personal hygiene, and food handling techniques. Once individuals have passed the exam, they will receive their certification, which is valid for five years.

Alcohol Certification

To obtain alcohol certification in Indonesia, individuals must attend a training course and pass an exam. The training course covers topics such as responsible alcohol service, alcohol laws and regulations, and identifying and dealing with intoxicated customers. Once individuals have passed the exam, they will receive their certification, which is valid for two years.

The Benefits of Certification

Increased Job Opportunities

Individuals who hold food handlers and alcohol certification have a competitive advantage in the job market. Many employers require certification as a condition of employment, and individuals who hold certification are often preferred over those who do not.

Improved Public Health and Safety

Certification ensures that individuals in the food and beverage industry have the knowledge and skills necessary to handle food and alcohol safely. This, in turn, improves public health and safety by reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses and alcohol-related incidents.

Personal and Professional Development

Obtaining certification is a great way to demonstrate a commitment to personal and professional development. Certification shows that individuals are dedicated to their profession and are willing to invest time and effort into improving their skills and knowledge.


Obtaining food handlers and alcohol certification is essential for individuals who work in the food and beverage industry in Indonesia. Certification ensures that individuals have the knowledge and skills necessary to handle food and alcohol safely, which improves public health and safety. It also provides individuals with a competitive advantage in the job market and demonstrates a commitment to personal and professional development.