Gomme Abrasive Rayure Inox: Tips And Tricks For Stainless Steel Scratches

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If you’re tired of seeing scratches on your precious stainless steel kitchen appliances or other items, you might want to consider using a gomme abrasive rayure inox. This tool can help you remove scratches and restore the shine of your stainless steel items. In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks on how to use this tool effectively.

What is Gomme Abrasive Rayure Inox?

Gomme abrasive rayure inox is a French term that means “abrasive rubber for stainless steel scratches.” It is a type of rubber block that contains abrasive particles that can help you remove scratches from stainless steel surfaces. This tool is commonly used by professionals and DIY enthusiasts to restore the shine of stainless steel items.

How to Use Gomme Abrasive Rayure Inox?

Before using gomme abrasive rayure inox, make sure that the surface you’re going to work on is clean and dry. Rub the abrasive rubber block gently on the scratched area in a circular motion. Apply light pressure and avoid using too much force as this can damage the surface. Continue rubbing until the scratches disappear. You may need to repeat the process several times for deeper scratches.


When using gomme abrasive rayure inox, make sure to wear gloves to protect your hands from the abrasive particles. Also, avoid using this tool on surfaces that are painted or coated as it can damage the finish. Test the tool on a small and inconspicuous area first before using it on a larger surface.

Cleaning and Maintenance

After using gomme abrasive rayure inox, clean it with water and soap to remove any debris or residue. Dry it thoroughly before storing it in a dry and cool place. Make sure to keep it away from direct sunlight and heat as this can damage the tool.

Alternative Solutions

If you don’t have gomme abrasive rayure inox, you can use other household items to remove scratches from stainless steel surfaces. For example, you can use baking soda and water to make a paste and apply it on the scratched area. Rub the paste gently in a circular motion and rinse it off with water. You can also use toothpaste or vinegar to remove scratches.


Gomme abrasive rayure inox is a useful tool for removing scratches from stainless steel surfaces. By following the tips and tricks provided in this article, you can effectively use this tool to restore the shine of your stainless steel items. However, if you’re not comfortable using this tool, you can always try other alternative solutions that are readily available in your home.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using gomme abrasive rayure inox or any other tools or products. Use at your own risk.