How Much Does A Leg Wax Cost In Indonesia In 2023?

Mengenal Brazilian Wax, Manfaat, dan Persiapan Melakukannya


One of the most popular beauty treatments in Indonesia is a leg wax. It is a process of removing hair from the legs by applying hot wax and then removing it with a cloth strip. Many people prefer this treatment as it gives a smoother feel and longer-lasting results compared to shaving. But, the question that arises is the cost of this treatment. In this article, we will discuss how much a leg wax costs in Indonesia in 2023.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Leg Waxing

The cost of leg waxing varies depending on several factors such as:

  • The location of the salon or spa
  • The experience of the technician
  • The quality of the wax used
  • The amount of hair to be removed

The Location of the Salon or Spa

The cost of leg waxing will differ depending on the location of the salon or spa. The prices in bigger cities like Jakarta, Bali, or Surabaya will be higher compared to smaller towns or villages.

The Experience of the Technician

The more experienced the technician is, the higher the cost of the treatment will be. This is because they have more knowledge and expertise in performing the treatment, which results in better results and less discomfort for the client.

The Quality of the Wax Used

The type of wax used will also affect the cost of leg waxing. High-quality wax will cost more compared to cheaper alternatives. However, high-quality wax will result in less pain and discomfort during the treatment and will give better results.

The Amount of Hair to be Removed

The cost of leg waxing will also depend on the amount of hair to be removed. If you have thick and long hair, it will take more time and effort to remove it, which will result in a higher cost.

The Average Cost of Leg Waxing in Indonesia in 2023

The average cost of leg waxing in Indonesia in 2023 is around Rp 150,000 to Rp 350,000. This price may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.


In conclusion, the cost of leg waxing in Indonesia in 2023 will depend on several factors such as the location of the salon or spa, the experience of the technician, the quality of the wax used, and the amount of hair to be removed. The average cost of leg waxing in Indonesia in 2023 is around Rp 150,000 to Rp 350,000. It is always recommended to do research and choose a reputable salon or spa to get the best and most affordable treatment.