How To Lower Bromine Levels In Your Hot Tub

How to Lower Bromine or Chlorine Levels in a Hot Tub

The Importance of Maintaining Proper Bromine Levels

If you own a hot tub, you know the importance of keeping the water clean and sanitized. One of the most common sanitizers used in hot tubs is bromine. Bromine is effective at killing bacteria and other harmful contaminants, but it’s important to maintain proper levels to ensure the safety and comfort of those who use the hot tub.

Why Lowering Bromine Levels May be Necessary

If the bromine levels in your hot tub are too high, it can cause skin and eye irritation, as well as an unpleasant odor. In some cases, it may even cause damage to the hot tub’s surfaces and equipment. If you suspect that your bromine levels are too high, it’s important to take action to lower them.

Step 1: Test Your Bromine Levels

The first step in lowering your bromine levels is to test the water. You can purchase a test kit from a pool and spa supply store or use a test strip. Once you have determined the level of bromine in your hot tub, you can take steps to lower it.

Step 2: Drain and Refill

If your bromine levels are extremely high, the best course of action may be to drain and refill your hot tub. This is a drastic measure, but it’s sometimes necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of those who use the hot tub.

Step 3: Add an Oxidizer

Another way to lower bromine levels is to add an oxidizer to the water. This will help to break down the bromine and neutralize it. Be sure to follow the instructions on the oxidizer package carefully.

Step 4: Use Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is another option for lowering bromine levels. Simply place a small amount of activated charcoal in a mesh bag and place it in the hot tub. The activated charcoal will absorb some of the excess bromine.

Preventing High Bromine Levels

Preventing high bromine levels is always the best course of action. Regular water testing and maintenance can help to ensure that your hot tub remains clean and safe for use. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining proper bromine levels.


Maintaining proper bromine levels is essential for the safety and comfort of those who use your hot tub. If you suspect that your bromine levels are too high, take action to lower them. With a little bit of effort, you can enjoy a clean and safe hot tub all year round.