Liquid Applied Vapor Barrier For Concrete Floors: What You Need To Know

Installing Vapor Barrier on Concrete Floor


If you are looking for a solution to protect your concrete floors from moisture and vapor, then a liquid applied vapor barrier could be the answer you are looking for. This type of barrier is becoming increasingly popular due to its effectiveness and ease of application. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about liquid applied vapor barrier for concrete floors.

What is a Liquid Applied Vapor Barrier?

A liquid applied vapor barrier is a type of membrane that is applied to a concrete surface to prevent the penetration of moisture and vapor. This type of barrier is applied in liquid form and cures to form a seamless, impermeable membrane that provides long-lasting protection against moisture and vapor.

How is it Applied?

The application of a liquid applied vapor barrier is relatively simple. The membrane is applied in liquid form using a trowel, roller, or spray gun. It is applied to a clean, dry concrete surface and allowed to cure for a specified amount of time. Once cured, the membrane forms a seamless, impermeable barrier that protects the concrete surface from moisture and vapor.

Why is it Important?

A liquid applied vapor barrier is important because it protects concrete floors from moisture and vapor. Moisture and vapor can cause a variety of problems for concrete floors, including cracking, delamination, and the growth of mold and mildew. By applying a liquid applied vapor barrier, you can protect your concrete floors from these problems and extend their lifespan.

Benefits of Liquid Applied Vapor Barrier

Some of the benefits of using a liquid applied vapor barrier include:

  • Provides long-lasting protection against moisture and vapor
  • Easy to apply and cure
  • Forms a seamless, impermeable membrane
  • Can be applied to both new and existing concrete surfaces
  • Reduces the risk of cracking, delamination, and the growth of mold and mildew

Types of Liquid Applied Vapor Barrier

There are several types of liquid applied vapor barrier available, including:

  • Epoxy
  • Polyurethane
  • Acrylic
  • Latex

The type of liquid applied vapor barrier you choose will depend on the specific needs of your project.


If you are looking for a solution to protect your concrete floors from moisture and vapor, then a liquid applied vapor barrier could be the answer. This type of barrier is easy to apply, provides long-lasting protection, and can prevent a variety of problems associated with moisture and vapor. With a variety of types available, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

So, invest in a liquid applied vapor barrier today and protect your concrete floors for years to come.