Magnesium Bicarbonate Vs Magnesium Glycinate: What You Need To Know

Magnesium Glycinate Vs Citrate Which Form Is Best?

The Importance of Magnesium

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including muscle and nerve function, regulating blood sugar levels, and maintaining healthy bones. Despite its importance, many people do not get enough magnesium in their diets.

Magnesium Bicarbonate

Magnesium bicarbonate is a form of magnesium that is created when magnesium carbonate is mixed with carbon dioxide and water. It is an alkaline mineral that helps to neutralize acid in the body. This form of magnesium is highly soluble, which means that it is easily absorbed by the body. It is also less likely to cause digestive issues compared to other forms of magnesium, such as magnesium oxide.

Benefits of Magnesium Bicarbonate

Magnesium bicarbonate has several benefits, including:

  • Helping to maintain healthy blood pressure
  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Improving digestion
  • Relieving muscle cramps and spasms
  • Promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety

Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is a form of magnesium that is bound to the amino acid glycine. It is highly bioavailable, which means that it is easily absorbed by the body. This form of magnesium is often recommended for people who have digestive issues or who experience stomach upset when taking other forms of magnesium.

Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate has several benefits, including:

  • Reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Reducing muscle tension and spasms
  • Supporting healthy bones and teeth
  • Relieving symptoms of PMS

Which Form of Magnesium is Right for You?

The form of magnesium that is right for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Magnesium bicarbonate is a good choice if you are looking for a highly soluble form of magnesium that is less likely to cause digestive issues. Magnesium glycinate is a good choice if you have digestive issues or if you are looking for a form of magnesium that is highly bioavailable and promotes relaxation.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining good health. Magnesium bicarbonate and magnesium glycinate are two forms of magnesium that have different benefits and may be more suitable for different individuals. It is important to talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplements to determine the best form of magnesium for your needs.