New Holland Skid Steer Hydraulic Fluid: Tips And Review

SkidSteer Hydraulic Fluid, 5 Gallons Theisen's Home & Auto


If you’re using a New Holland skid steer, it’s important to keep the hydraulic fluid clean and free from contaminants. This will help to ensure that your machine runs smoothly and efficiently, with minimal downtime. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the importance of hydraulic fluid, how to choose the right type, and some tips for maintaining your New Holland skid steer.

Why Hydraulic Fluid is Important

Hydraulic fluid is a crucial component of any hydraulic system, including your New Holland skid steer. It serves several important functions, including lubricating moving parts, transferring power, and dissipating heat. Without clean and effective hydraulic fluid, your skid steer could experience a range of problems, including reduced performance, increased wear and tear, and even complete failure.

Choosing the Right Hydraulic Fluid

When it comes to choosing hydraulic fluid for your New Holland skid steer, there are several factors to consider. First, you’ll need to determine the viscosity grade that’s appropriate for your machine. This will depend on factors such as the operating temperature, load, and speed of your skid steer. You’ll also need to consider the type of hydraulic fluid, which can vary depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some common types include mineral oil, synthetic oil, and biodegradable oil. It’s important to choose a hydraulic fluid that meets the specifications of your machine and provides the necessary protection and performance.

Maintaining Your Hydraulic Fluid

Once you’ve chosen the right hydraulic fluid for your New Holland skid steer, it’s important to maintain it properly. This means checking the fluid level regularly and topping it up as needed. You should also change the hydraulic fluid at the recommended intervals, which can vary depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. To ensure that your hydraulic fluid stays clean and free from contaminants, it’s a good idea to install a high-quality hydraulic filter. This will help to remove particles and debris from the fluid, reducing the risk of damage to your machine.


In conclusion, hydraulic fluid is a critical component of your New Holland skid steer. By choosing the right type and maintaining it properly, you can help to ensure that your machine runs smoothly and efficiently for years to come. If you’re unsure about which hydraulic fluid to choose or how to maintain it, consult your machine’s manual or speak to a qualified technician. By taking care of your hydraulic fluid, you can help to protect your investment and keep your skid steer running at its best.