Reddit Boric Acid Roaches

What kind of roach is this? pestcontrol

The Problem of Roaches

Roaches are one of the most common household pests that can cause serious health problems. They can contaminate food, spread diseases, and trigger allergies. Roaches are also difficult to get rid of and can quickly multiply in number.

The Solution: Boric Acid

Boric acid is a highly effective and affordable solution to get rid of roaches. It is a natural substance that is non-toxic to humans and pets but deadly to roaches. Boric acid works by disrupting the roaches’ digestive system and dehydrating them, leading to their death.

How to Use Boric Acid?

To use boric acid, you need to mix it with a bait that is attractive to roaches. You can use sugar, flour, or any other food that roaches like. Mix equal parts of boric acid and bait and sprinkle it in areas where you have seen roaches. You can also make small balls of the mixture and place them in roach-infested areas.

Precautions to Take

While boric acid is safe for humans and pets, it is still essential to take precautions when using it. Wear gloves and avoid inhaling the powder. Keep the mixture away from children and pets.

Other Tips to Prevent Roaches

Apart from using boric acid, there are other measures you can take to prevent roaches from infesting your home. Keep your kitchen and bathrooms clean and dry. Don’t leave food out in the open. Seal all cracks and crevices in your home, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.

The Benefits of Using Boric Acid

Using boric acid to get rid of roaches has many benefits. It is affordable, safe, and effective. It is also a natural solution that does not harm the environment. Moreover, boric acid can kill not only adult roaches but also their eggs and larvae, preventing future infestations.


In conclusion, roaches are a common household pest that can cause serious health problems. Boric acid is a highly effective and affordable solution to get rid of roaches. It is a natural substance that is safe for humans and pets but deadly to roaches. By using boric acid and taking other preventive measures, you can eliminate roaches from your home and enjoy a clean and healthy living space.