Scaly Skin After Chemical Peel: Causes And Remedies

Noticed my scalp was peeling after I showered today. peeling


Chemical peels are popular skin treatments that use acid to remove the outer layer of skin, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath. However, some people may experience scaly skin after a chemical peel, which can be uncomfortable and unsightly. In this article, we will discuss the causes of scaly skin after a chemical peel and provide some remedies to help you deal with this issue.

Causes of Scaly Skin After Chemical Peel

Scaly skin after a chemical peel is a common side effect, especially if you have sensitive skin or if the chemical peel was too strong. The acid used in chemical peels can cause the skin to become dry and flaky, leading to scaly patches. Other causes of scaly skin after a chemical peel include:

1. Over-exfoliation

Excessive exfoliation can lead to scaly skin after a chemical peel. If you use exfoliating products or tools too often, it can strip away the natural oils and moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and flaky.

2. Incorrect Aftercare

Proper aftercare is crucial after a chemical peel. If you don’t follow the instructions given by your dermatologist, you may experience scaly skin. Avoid using harsh products, such as scrubs, for at least a week after the treatment. Moisturize your skin regularly and avoid sun exposure.

3. Allergic Reaction

In rare cases, scaly skin after a chemical peel can be caused by an allergic reaction to the acid used in the treatment. If you experience severe itching, redness or swelling, contact your dermatologist immediately.

Remedies for Scaly Skin After Chemical Peel

If you are dealing with scaly skin after a chemical peel, don’t worry, there are remedies that can help you. Here are some tips to soothe and heal your skin:

1. Moisturize

Moisturizing is essential for keeping your skin hydrated and preventing scaly patches. Use a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer to soothe your skin after a chemical peel. Apply it at least twice a day, or as often as needed.

2. Avoid Harsh Products

Avoid using harsh products, such as scrubs or exfoliating tools, for at least a week after the chemical peel. These can irritate your skin and make it more prone to scaly patches.

3. Use a Humidifier

A humidifier can help to add moisture to the air and prevent your skin from drying out. Place a humidifier in your room, especially if you live in a dry climate.

4. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for keeping your skin hydrated from the inside out. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin healthy and moisturized.

5. Consult Your Dermatologist

If your scaly skin persists or gets worse, consult your dermatologist. They may recommend a different type of chemical peel or prescribe topical creams to soothe your skin.


Scaly skin after a chemical peel can be uncomfortable, but it’s a common side effect that can be treated with the proper aftercare. By following these remedies, you can soothe and heal your skin, and reveal the glowing, smooth skin underneath. If you have any concerns about your scaly skin, consult your dermatologist for the best course of action.