The Best Way To Get Wax Out Of Ears

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Does your ear feel clogged or itchy? Perhaps you have excess wax buildup. Earwax is a natural substance that helps protect your ears from dirt and bacteria, but when it accumulates, it can cause discomfort and even hearing loss. In this article, we will discuss the best way to get wax out of ears.

Why Do We Produce Earwax?

Earwax is a natural substance produced by the ear canal. It acts as a lubricant and helps protect the ear from dust, dirt, and bacteria. Earwax also contains enzymes that help prevent infection.

The Dangers of Using Q-Tips

Many people use Q-tips to clean their ears, but this is not recommended. Q-tips can push the wax further into the ear canal and even damage the ear drum. It can also cause an infection or inflammation.

Alternative Ways to Clean Your Ears

The best way to clean your ears is by using ear drops. Ear drops help soften the wax and make it easier to remove. You can purchase over-the-counter ear drops or make your own using olive oil or hydrogen peroxide.

How to Use Ear Drops

To use ear drops, tilt your head to the side and place a few drops into your ear canal. Gently massage the area around your ear to help the drops move deeper into the ear. After a few minutes, tilt your head to the other side to let the drops drain out.

Other Methods of Wax Removal

If ear drops don’t work, there are other methods you can use to remove wax. These include: – Ear irrigation: This involves flushing the ear canal with water to remove the wax buildup. It is best to have this done by a doctor or nurse. – Ear syringing: This is similar to ear irrigation, but it uses a syringe to flush out the ear canal. – Ear candling: This involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear and lighting it. The heat from the candle is supposed to create a vacuum that pulls the wax out. However, this method is not recommended as it can cause burns or even puncture the ear drum.

Preventing Wax Buildup

To prevent excessive wax buildup, avoid using Q-tips or other objects to clean your ears. Instead, use ear drops or let your ears clean themselves naturally. You can also try using a warm washcloth to gently clean the outer ear.


Excessive earwax can cause discomfort and even hearing loss. The best way to remove wax is by using ear drops or seeking medical help if necessary. Remember to avoid using Q-tips or other objects to clean your ears to prevent further damage.