Vanillyl Alcohol Melting Point: What You Need To Know In 2023

Biotransformation of vanillin into vanillyl alcohol by a novel strain


Vanillyl alcohol is an organic compound that is commonly used in the food, fragrance, and pharmaceutical industries. It is known for its pleasant vanilla-like aroma and flavor. One important property of vanillyl alcohol is its melting point, which is a key factor in determining its physical and chemical characteristics.

What is Melting Point?

Melting point is the temperature at which a solid substance changes into a liquid state. It is an important physical property of a substance that can be used to identify and characterize it. The melting point of a substance is influenced by various factors, including its chemical structure, purity, and pressure.

The Melting Point of Vanillyl Alcohol

The melting point of vanillyl alcohol is around 83-85 degrees Celsius (181-185 degrees Fahrenheit). This means that at room temperature, vanillyl alcohol is in a solid state. When it is heated to its melting point, it will transform into a liquid state. The melting point of vanillyl alcohol is influenced by various factors, including its purity and the rate of heating.

Why is Melting Point Important for Vanillyl Alcohol?

The melting point of vanillyl alcohol is an important factor in determining its quality and purity. Impurities in vanillyl alcohol can cause its melting point to shift from its expected value. This can be an indication of poor quality or contamination. Therefore, melting point analysis is a common method used to determine the purity of vanillyl alcohol.

Applications of Vanillyl Alcohol

Vanillyl alcohol is used in various applications, including food, fragrance, and pharmaceuticals. It is used as a flavoring agent in food products such as ice cream, baked goods, and beverages. In the fragrance industry, vanillyl alcohol is used to create vanilla-like scents. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of certain drugs.

How to Measure Melting Point of Vanillyl Alcohol?

The melting point of vanillyl alcohol can be measured using a melting point apparatus. This is a device that heats a small amount of the sample and measures the temperature at which it melts. The process involves placing a small amount of the sample in a capillary tube and inserting it into the apparatus. The sample is then heated at a controlled rate until it melts, and the temperature is recorded.

Factors Affecting Melting Point Analysis

Several factors can affect the accuracy of melting point analysis, including the rate of heating, the size of the sample, and the purity of the sample. To obtain accurate results, it is important to use a properly calibrated melting point apparatus and to ensure that the sample is pure and free from contaminants.


In conclusion, the melting point of vanillyl alcohol is an important physical property that is used to determine its quality and purity. It is an essential parameter in the food, fragrance, and pharmaceutical industries. Accurate measurement of melting point requires proper calibration of the apparatus and careful preparation of the sample. By understanding the melting point of vanillyl alcohol, we can better appreciate its applications and importance in various industries.