What Kind Of Salt Do You Use To Make Sauerkraut?

How much Salt do I use for Sauerkraut Sauerkraut, Salt, Learn to cook


Sauerkraut is a traditional dish that has been around for centuries. It is a fermented food made from cabbage and salt. Sauerkraut is known for its sour taste and many health benefits. However, not all salt is created equal when it comes to making sauerkraut. In this article, we will discuss the best kind of salt to use when making sauerkraut.

Why Salt is Important in Sauerkraut Making

Salt plays a vital role in sauerkraut making. It helps to create an environment that is conducive to the growth of beneficial bacteria while inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. Salt also draws water out of the cabbage, which helps to create the brine necessary for fermentation.

The Best Kind of Salt to Use

The best kind of salt to use when making sauerkraut is non-iodized salt. Iodized salt contains anti-caking agents that can interfere with the fermentation process. It is also important to use a high-quality salt that is free from additives and preservatives.

Sea Salt vs. Kosher Salt

Sea salt and kosher salt are both good options for sauerkraut making. Sea salt is made by evaporating seawater and contains trace minerals that can add flavor to the sauerkraut. Kosher salt, on the other hand, is a coarse-grained salt that is often used in Jewish cuisine. Both sea salt and kosher salt are non-iodized and free from additives, making them ideal for sauerkraut making.

How Much Salt to Use

The amount of salt you use when making sauerkraut will depend on the amount of cabbage you are using. As a general rule, you will need about 1-3 tablespoons of salt for every 5 pounds of cabbage. It is important to use enough salt to create the brine necessary for fermentation, but not too much that it makes the sauerkraut too salty.

Other Factors to Consider

When making sauerkraut, there are a few other factors to consider besides the type and amount of salt used. The temperature and humidity of the environment can affect the fermentation process. It is also important to use clean equipment and to avoid using tap water, which can contain chlorine that can interfere with the fermentation process.


In conclusion, non-iodized salt is the best kind of salt to use when making sauerkraut. Sea salt and kosher salt are both good options, and the amount of salt used will depend on the amount of cabbage used. Remember to consider other factors such as temperature, humidity, and cleanliness when making sauerkraut. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can enjoy delicious and healthy homemade sauerkraut.