The Importance Of Calcium For Your Baby’s Heart Health

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As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes ensuring their heart health. One crucial nutrient that plays a significant role in your baby’s heart health is calcium. Calcium is essential for building strong bones and teeth, but it also plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy heart rhythm.

What is Calcium?

Calcium is a mineral that is necessary for the human body to function correctly. It is the most abundant mineral in the body, and it is vital for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth. However, calcium is not just essential for bone health. It is also crucial for muscle function, nerve transmission, and blood clotting.

Calcium and Your Baby’s Heart

Your baby’s heart is a muscle that requires calcium to function correctly. Calcium is necessary for the heart to contract and relax properly, which is essential for maintaining a healthy heart rhythm. Without enough calcium, your baby’s heart may not function correctly, which could lead to serious health problems.

How Much Calcium Does Your Baby Need?

The amount of calcium your baby needs depends on their age. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies aged 0-6 months need 200-260 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day, while babies aged 7-12 months need 260-400 mg per day. Breast milk or formula is the primary source of calcium for babies, but once they start eating solid foods, you can introduce calcium-rich foods such as cheese, yogurt, and leafy green vegetables.

Signs of Calcium Deficiency

If your baby is not getting enough calcium, they may experience symptoms such as muscle cramps, seizures, and a weak or irregular heartbeat. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is essential to speak to your pediatrician immediately.

Foods Rich in Calcium

In addition to breast milk or formula, there are many foods that are rich in calcium that you can introduce to your baby’s diet. Some of the best sources of calcium include cheese, yogurt, milk, leafy green vegetables, tofu, and fortified cereals.

How to Ensure Your Baby is Getting Enough Calcium

To ensure your baby is getting enough calcium, it is essential to follow a well-balanced diet and speak to your pediatrician about any concerns you may have. If your baby is not getting enough calcium through their diet, your pediatrician may recommend a calcium supplement.


Calcium is a vital nutrient for your baby’s overall health, especially their heart health. By ensuring your baby is getting enough calcium through their diet or supplements, you can help promote healthy bone growth and maintain a healthy heart rhythm. Speak to your pediatrician about any concerns you may have about your baby’s calcium intake.