Chemistry Compound Naming Practice In 2023

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Chemistry is a fascinating subject that deals with the study of matter and its properties. One of the essential aspects of chemistry is the naming of chemical compounds. Naming compounds correctly is crucial in understanding their properties and behavior. In this article, we will discuss the naming practices of chemical compounds in 2023.

Ionic Compounds

Ionic compounds are formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms. The resulting compound is made up of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions. The naming of ionic compounds involves the use of the names of the cation and anion. The cation’s name comes first, followed by the anion’s name with an -ide suffix. For example, NaCl is named sodium chloride.

Covalent Compounds

Molecular Compounds

Covalent compounds are formed by sharing of electrons between atoms. The naming of covalent compounds depends on whether they are molecular compounds or network solids. Molecular compounds are made up of molecules, and their naming involves the use of prefixes to indicate the number of atoms of each element in the molecule. For example, CO2 is named carbon dioxide.

Network Solids

Network solids are made up of a vast network of covalent bonds, and their naming involves the use of the element’s name followed by the word “solid.” For example, diamond is named simply as diamond.


Acids are substances that produce hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. The naming of acids depends on the number of hydrogen ions produced when the acid dissolves in water. If the acid produces one hydrogen ion, the acid’s name consists of the prefix “hydro-” followed by the root of the anion’s name and the suffix “-ic.” For example, HCl dissolved in water produces one hydrogen ion and is named hydrochloric acid.

If the acid produces two hydrogen ions, the acid’s name consists of the root of the anion’s name with the suffix “-ic” followed by the word “acid.” For example, H2SO4 dissolved in water produces two hydrogen ions and is named sulfuric acid.


Bases are substances that produce hydroxide ions when dissolved in water. The naming of bases involves the use of the metal’s name followed by the word “hydroxide.” For example, NaOH is named sodium hydroxide.


Chemical compound naming practices are essential in the study of chemistry. Correctly naming compounds helps in understanding their properties and behavior. In 2023, the naming practices for ionic and covalent compounds, acids, and bases remain the same. Understanding these naming practices is crucial for success in the study of chemistry.