Erosion Chemical Feeder: What Type Of Feeder Is It?

Pentair Rainbow Commercial Size Erosion Feeder Halogen Supply

As we move towards a more sustainable future, it’s important to understand the different types of chemical feeders we use in various industries. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at erosion chemical feeders and how they work.

What is an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

An erosion chemical feeder is a type of chemical feeder that uses a dissolving process to add chemicals to a water source. These feeders are commonly used in swimming pools, spas, and other water treatment applications.

How Does an Erosion Chemical Feeder Work?

Erosion chemical feeders are designed to slowly dissolve chemicals into the water source. The feeder is filled with the desired chemical, often in the form of a tablet or granule, and the water flows through the feeder, dissolving the chemical and adding it to the water.

What Types of Chemicals Can be Used in an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

Erosion chemical feeders are commonly used to add sanitizers, such as chlorine or bromine, to swimming pools and spas. They can also be used to add other chemicals, such as pH adjusters or algaecides.

What are the Advantages of Using an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

One of the main advantages of using an erosion chemical feeder is that it provides a consistent and controlled delivery of chemicals to the water source. This ensures that the water remains properly balanced and safe for swimming or other activities.

What are the Disadvantages of Using an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

One potential disadvantage of using an erosion chemical feeder is that it can be more expensive than other types of chemical feeders. Additionally, these feeders may require more frequent maintenance, such as cleaning or replacing parts.

How Do You Install an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

The installation process for an erosion chemical feeder will vary depending on the specific model and application. However, most feeders are designed to be installed inline with the water source, typically near the pool or spa equipment.

How Do You Maintain an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

To maintain an erosion chemical feeder, it’s important to regularly check the chemical levels and adjust the feeder as needed. Additionally, the feeder should be cleaned and inspected on a regular basis to ensure proper operation.

What are Some Tips for Using an Erosion Chemical Feeder?

When using an erosion chemical feeder, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommended usage rates. Additionally, it’s a good idea to regularly test the water source to ensure that the chemical levels are properly balanced.


In conclusion, an erosion chemical feeder is a type of chemical feeder that uses a dissolving process to add chemicals to a water source. These feeders are commonly used in swimming pools, spas, and other water treatment applications. While there are some potential disadvantages to using an erosion chemical feeder, the advantages of consistent and controlled chemical delivery make it a popular choice for many industries.