Natural Candle Wax Options: A Guide To Eco-Friendly And Sustainable Alternatives

Pure organic beeswax candle in an amber glass jar topped with wooden

As the demand for environmentally-friendly products continues to rise, the candle industry has been embracing natural wax options. Synthetic paraffin wax, which is derived from petroleum, has been the traditional choice for candle making. However, natural wax alternatives offer a more sustainable and eco-friendly option for candle lovers.

Soy Wax

Soy wax is a popular natural wax option for candle making. It is made from soybean oil, which is a renewable resource. Soy wax burns cleaner and longer than paraffin wax, and it is also biodegradable. Soy wax candles also have a strong scent throw, making them a popular choice for aromatherapy candles.


Beeswax is another natural wax option for candle making. It is made from the wax produced by honeybees. Beeswax candles burn longer and cleaner than paraffin wax candles, and they also emit a natural, sweet scent. Beeswax is also a renewable resource, and it can be sustainably harvested without harming the bees.

Coconut Wax

Coconut wax is a newer natural wax option for candle making. It is made from the oil of coconuts, which is a renewable resource. Coconut wax candles burn cleaner and longer than paraffin wax candles, and they also have a strong scent throw. Coconut wax candles also have a unique texture and appearance, making them a popular choice for decorative candles.

Palm Wax

Palm wax is another natural wax option for candle making. It is made from the oil of palm trees, which is a renewable resource. Palm wax candles burn cleaner and longer than paraffin wax candles. However, the harvesting of palm oil has been linked to deforestation and habitat destruction. It is important to choose sustainably sourced palm wax to ensure that it is an eco-friendly option.


There are many natural wax options available for candle making. Soy wax, beeswax, coconut wax, and palm wax are all sustainable and eco-friendly options. When choosing a natural wax option, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the sourcing and production of the wax. By choosing a natural wax option, candle lovers can enjoy their favorite scents while also doing their part to protect the environment.

Additional Tips:

– Avoid candles made with synthetic fragrances and dyes, as these can be harmful to the environment and your health.

– Look for candles made with essential oils for a natural scent option.

– Consider purchasing candles from small, local businesses that prioritize sustainability and eco-friendliness.

– Always remember to trim the wick of your candle before lighting to ensure a clean and even burn.

– When your candle is finished burning, reuse the container or recycle it properly.